Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ethics Of Sex Appeal In Advertising Media Essay

Ethics Of Sex Appeal In Advertising Media Essay This treatise puts forward the reality that advertisements with sexual undertones are remembered over and over again than advertisements that are not. The question to ask though is, how ethical is it to make use of sexual appeals in advertisements? And does sex really sells? Social comparison theory as instigated in 1954 by Festinger is used as the theoretical scaffold in this study as this premise states that individuals who have a longing to appraise their views, judgments and abilities can be satisfied by social comparisons with other people. At the end of this write-up, it attempts to recommend to media and advertising practitioners, that they need to apprise the audience who will be viewing their ads before putting sexual innuendos into their respective advertisement pieces; that they need to recognize the moral intricacy of sexual appeal in advertising and integrate that understanding in their strategic thought and when designing their commercial pieces. Quoting Henthorne and L aTour, (1994) as saying that, as the ethical considerations of society change over time, what is considered appropriate and acceptable in advertising must also change (p.88). Therefore, this study shares the idea of how imperative it is to incessantly reassess what society would consider suitable and consider the full level of consequences of their actions before advertising practitioners start considering what they make out as ethically acceptable. Introduction Every media consumer is alert to sex in advertising. Its pervasive use and misuse are constantly before us, and typically elicit strong criticism (Richmond and Hartland, 1982, p.53). As anyone can see, the employment of sex in advertising has been in our midst for several decades and the reason for it? It works. Advertisements with sexual undertones are remembered over and over again than advertisements that are not. The question to ask though is, how ethical is it to make use of sexual appeals in advertisements? Does sex sell? Actually, sex does not sell, but sexiness does (Cebrzynski, 2000, p. 14). By means of sex appeals in advertising is a good way to aim at specific market segments but not all. Questions like what is identified as sexual appeals in advertising? Where and when should sex be used? Does the use of sexual appeals lead to an advantage for brand remembrance? must be addressed exhaustively. Sex and the Media Today, sex permeates advertising in the United States and in many countries all over the world as contemporary society is extremely fixated with the demonstration of sex in the media as never before. The issue of whether sex sells could be countered by screening the massive quantities of billboards and classified ads which integrate some form of sex appeal or nudity (Pynor, 2004, p. 42). Several reasons have been provided with the use of sexually oriented themes, among them are to achieve product and brand attention, recognition, recall, and sales (Alexander and Judd, 1978, p. 47). Observably, sex is utilized to sell a wide array of products from cars to fashion products, and is meant to attract not only the male customers, but female, consumers as well. The employment of sex as an instrument in advertising can be traced back to the 1800s when the advertising industry noticed the beneficial effect of using degrees of sexuality in their advertising drives. These economic gains include above all else an increase in revenue due to the point of difference that sexual schemes provide for the product. Sometimes, the use of sex also affords shock-value that frequently triggers social debate and helps in the product promotions continuing recall. Author of The Erotic History of Advertising Tom Reichert has this to say Many real-life examples from the 1800s to the present exist to suggest that it has worked, and does work, to inflame not only consumers libidos but their motivations and desires to make purchases. In some cases, sex in advertising contributes to the building of strong, vibrant and long-lasting brands (Reichert, 2003, p. 9). As it is, the incessant use of sex in advertising from the 1800s until these days is a demonstration of the fact that it is an effective tool that works for advertisers. Literature Review Sex Appeal in Advertising Advertising is one of the most prolific and all-encompassing forms of communication in the world (Reichert, 2003, p.20). This type of company to customer communication lifts several concerns about the ethics of advertising because its practice is very convincing and powerful (Treise and Weigold, 1994). Advertising has turned to become an excellent way for business firms to create a positive image for them and for the public to easily adapt to such image. Image creation is a public relations approach that has increasingly aimed young adults and teens because they are not interested on conventional direct advertising (Goodman and Dretzin, 1999), obviously, advertisers target the demographic group of young adults and teens because they account for a huge amount of American consumer spending. The practice of utilizing sex appeal in advertising is nothing new. Sexual images (nudity) can be found in advertisements as far back as the late 1800s and in the early 1900s, it was used to sell soaps, perfumes and creams. These advertisements claimed to transform any woman to become sexier for a mans pleasure and as sex advertising boomed in the 40s and 50s, controversy abound. Until today, a lot of business enterprises find sex appeal as an effective tactic in advertising. When Maidenform bras began to use models with their shirts off, it became the number one bra company and when Jovan fragrance used sexuality to sell its product, company revenues soared from $1.5 million to $77 million in just seven years (Reichert, 2003). In a 1981 study conducted by Reid and Soley, advertisements were more likely to be appealing and immediately recognized if an attractive endorse is used (Severn and Belch, 1990). In another survey, 32% of consumers confessed that there is strong likelihood of them buying a product if it uses an advertisement with strong sexual undertones (Fetto, 2001). Capitalizing on the idea of sex appeal, people sell their products with the notion that such product is for sexy people and to own that specific product can make any person sexy. Such sexiness can be depicted through the clothes being worn, the models poses, the lighting being used in the advertisement, positioning of the models or in their facial expressions, location used, and interaction. Likewise, companies employ this idea to connect the company image with allure and prestige. As it is, sexuality associates brands with sexual activities and increased attractiveness, something desired by consumers (Reichert, 2001/2003). Although the argument that wanton sexual appeals generate off-putting results because of perceptions of disreputable and scheming practices is basic and extremely valid, it also assumes a deliberative, cognitive mechanism. Past research investigations have found that the process of judging whether a persuasive message infringes ethical standards or not demands cognitive effort (Campbell and Kirmani, 2000). Yet end users characteristically spend little time and effort when viewing an ad (Sengupta and Gorn, 2002; Burnett and Moriarty 1998; Kassarjian, 1977). Hence, it is imperative to understand reactions to improper sex appeals under thin slice processing (Ambady, Bernieri, and Richeson, 2000), such as when consumers view ads under constricted cognitive capacity. Without a doubt, unstructured, spur-of-the-moment, uncontrolled responses may be quite different from more cautiously considered responses in the sphere of sex-based advertising. Recent research by Sengupta and Dahl (2008) examined non-deliberative reactions to the gratuitous use of sex in advertising. Men and women in these experiments were placed under high cognitive load while viewing an ad that showed an unequivocal sexual image and a nonsexual image. Unlike previous research that has found that both men and women abhor the gratuitous use of sex in advertising, a gender difference surfaced under constrained conditions, that is, men preferred more the advertisement containing a sexual image (compared to the nonsexual image) whereas women reported considerably adverse mind-sets toward the overtly sexual ad compared to the nonsexual advertisement. Basically, sexual imagery sets off an emotional response or reaction. In other words, viewers are, all things being equal, favorably energized by sexual information (Reichert, 2007, p. 6). With this in mind, advertising organizations employ sex in several different ways to try and convince and influence end users to purchase a product. Individuals seek out and are willing to pay for sexual content in mainstream media (Reichert, 2007, p. 7), an example of this reality is the sale in millions of copies of Cosmopolitan and Maxim each month. These magazines ads have become more competitive and risquà © due to the idea that an ad needs to be noticeable and must draw attention. Some advertisers may push the boundaries of acceptable sexual content because of direct competitive pressure. Certain product marketers utilize a higher proportion of sexual appeals than other marketers because of the nature of the product and the relevance of sex to product benefits (Reichert and Carpenter, 2004). Another approach being used to draw customer attention is the idea that upon purchasing a product, such will make the buyer more sexually attractive, or can have more sex or can have a better sex life (Reichert, 2007), thus, people who are seeking for such qualities are more likely to pay for a product if the ads are sexually evocative. Gender Expression, Sexuality and Advertising This rather outmoded depiction of gender and expression of sexuality continues to be exploited in modern-day advertisements principally because it is an unbeaten prescription that brings in financial incentive and this will continue as long as women believe even if only for a brief moment that acquiring the advertised product will bring them one step closer to attaining the unattainable. As what was pointed out: those who are dissatisfied with their looks, their bodies, their status, make great consumers (Lee, 2003, p. 134). Furthermore, Nancy Etcoff (2000) sums it up well: to tell people not to take pleasure in beauty is like telling them to stop enjoying food or sex or novelty or love. This is an impracticable likelihood because to like and to want is instinctive in human character. Advertisers are intensely conscious of this as they create advertisements filled with representations of dazzling, extremely sensuous women. Women as Primary Focus? For many decades, numerous people believed that women are the major focus of sex appeals employed in advertising, however, this is not necessarily correct. It is true that women look as if they are the target most recognized in sexual appeals, but men have been targeted more recently. If women have often been the targets of sexual advertising, it is because it appears to work in many cases. As it is, sex is a potent and a convenient method of obtaining male attention and making a product desirable and in advertising, it is easy to get a mans attention by using womens bodies and associate it to the idea of getting the women as well if he buys the product (Taflinger, 1996, p.8). The most well known target of women as sexual appeals has been in beer commercials. Usually the ads go something like this a beautiful woman is sitting at a bar and a man comes up and she does not notice him at all. Then he orders a certain kind of beer and all of the sudden, he is desirable to this woman. They then get caught up in the moment and ultimately the man gets this woman (because of the beer). Another example of the man getting the hot woman because of a particular product that supposedly makes the man more desirable to the women is the AXE advertisement. AXE is a body spray for men. In the commercial, the men who use AXE get beautiful women. In fact, AXE is so effective that if in any way you come in contact with this body spray, you will be instantly wanted. There is also a commercial which features an old man getting a young, hot woman because of the AXE effect. Women are exploited repeatedly in advertising as sex appeals. But, some do not become conscious that these advertisements are often aimed at women as well. Victorias Secret is a classic example of this. Advertisers obviously want women to think that if they purchase Victorias Secret products, they could look like those stunning, sexy endorsers on the commercials seen on television or in the print ads. Obviously, these bra and panties are not going to look very good on just anyone, however, at first glance, a woman could think, wow, she looks splendid; I should get that outfit so I can look that good too. In truth, women are not the only focus in sexual appeal advertising. Men play a huge part as well. According to Taflinger (1996), It is rare for advertising to use sex as an appeal for women. Women are often less interested in the sex act itself for its own sake. They are interested in sex for what it can mean in the future. They may enjoy it as much as men, but for them it has far greater significance. Advertising cannot take advantage of a womans instinctive sexual desire because advertisings job is not to build for the future-it is to sell a product now (p. 6). Here, Taflinger attempts to elucidate the fact that women are not interested in sexual appeals on television, rather, they are interested in sex for their future. Although this seems to be correct in some instances, it is questionable when thinking about all of the ads that target men as the sex selling object. Sex Appeal and Product Branding Sex in advertising can also produce positive mind-sets and sentiments about the ad or product brand. Using catchphrases are huge in the industry along with sexual overtones. A popular example is Las Vegass tagline what happens here, stays here (Reichert, 2007). This is very indicative and interesting; people want to go to Vegas so they can find out for themselves what its all about. Sex in advertising is controversial and it is vital to reflect on consumers outlooks and points of view. While many feel there is too much sex in advertising (Treise and Weigold, 1994), most people feel that if sexual commercials are crafted with relevance and aptness, these are more likely to be accepted (Gould, 1994; Treise and Weigold, 1994). Innately, concerns and apprehensions crop up when sex appeal usage are viewed by unintended (Gould, 1994). Similar disquiet appears when advertisers target teens and young adults with these advertisements. There are concerns that these advertisements are venerated by young people and teach these young adults improper conduct (Reichert, 2001). Negative facets of this target audience advertising consist of women idolizing the sexual models being used to endorse a product and compare themselves to the advertisements (Gould, 1994). In a survey, 55.2% of respondents agreed sexual advertisements influence a teens decision to be sexually active (Tre ise and Weigold, 1994). However, the idea in advertising is give and take; the media learns from teens and teens learn from the media (Goodman and Dretzin, 1999). One cannot exclusively say who manipulates whom, so much so that even though end users anxieties arise, sex continues to be used as an powerful advertising approach. Reichert and Carpenter found that the level of sexual advertisements has remained constant from 1993 and 2003; the only thing that had increased was the females level of dressing as it has become more provocative and sometimes offensive (2004, p. 828). It is fascinating to note that some research investigations found the degree of sexuality actually increased over time. Reichert and Carpenter (2004) conducted an extension of a study that evaluated the degree of sex in 1983 and 1993. Magazine advertisements particularly were content analyzed from 2003 and compared with the issues of the previous years. The general outcomes signified that women not only persisted to be represented in a sexual manner, but that the degree of sexuality increased over time. For instance, advertising became extensively more overt from 1983 to 2003 and clothing (or lack of it as the case may be) largely contributed to this. Results revealed that in 1983 only 28% of female models wore sexually explicit clothes. This rose by 75% in 2003 when 49% of models were dressed in sexual attire. Thus, in 2003 virtually half of the models featured were shown with less rather than more clothing to be exact, in 2003 almost 4 out of 5 women who appeared in ads were sugge stively dressed, partially clad, or nude (Reichert and Carpenter, 2004)). Moreover, the images of women that were most sexually explicit were featured in mens magazines. As Linder (2004) found, general interest magazines, such as Time contained the least degree of sexualized images, when compared with magazines aimed predominantly at men and women. The increase of sexuality over time could be associated with the likeness of products that are available today. It is presumed that in 1983 there was not such an immense collection of products available on the market, and therefore did not need to be distinguished from each other to such a great degree. Furthermore, in those years, advertisers were rendered inadequate by the capability of computer graphic technologies. This is definitely not the case today and advertisers frequently resort to stimulating images to make a distinction between similar products. Particularly, according to Reichert and Carpenter, specific merchandise are promoted in a more sexual manner due to the character of the product, such as fragrance and clothing (although clothing is also often used as a means to sexualize other products). Theoretical Framework People are continuously evaluating themselves with others and this is certainly no exception when addressing advertising, particularly among women. According to Stapel and Blanton (2004), an important source of self-knowledge comes from other people. Human beings maintain a sense of who they are by contrasting their own capabilities and characteristics to other people. This so-called social comparison theory was instigated in 1954 by Festinger, who hypothesized that individuals have a longing to appraise their views, judgments and abilities that can be satisfied by social comparisons with other people. Using this premise as a scaffold, many studies have been carried out, predominantly in reference to females which raise the question does advertising take advantage of consumer tendencies to alter their body or image of themselves by creating anxieties and discontent with the self? Relative to its effect on adolescent girls which Martin and Gentry (1997) studied, the answer is yes, advertisers especially of young fashion magazines do exploit this mindset among adolescent girls, who evaluate their physical beauty with that of models in the advertisements. Martin and Gentrys study has proven that, consistent with the social comparison theory, female pre-adolescents and adolescents self-perceptions and self-esteem can be destructively impinged on when self-evaluation takes place. Other studies have suggested that advertising can have a vital role in creating and highlighting a fixation with physical charm (Downs and Harrison, 1985), and may manipulate consumers awareness of what is an adequate level of physical attractiveness (Martin and Kennedy, 1993). This conception of advertisers taking advantage of consumers perception of themselves is unswervingly associated with sex appeal in advertising. Recently, advertisers have endeavored into a contentious area with their use of female sexual images and a focus on distinct body parts, language and sex-role portrayals. These advertisers are profoundly conscious that sex appeal in an advertisement has the capacity to exert a pull on women on the premise of social comparison. In a study conducted by Craik, Clarke, and Kirkup (1998), women who were sensitive of stereotypes and were even aware of the spuriousness of the industry still desperately want to imitate these images. Such is the explanation why advertisers reportedly pay huge amounts of money every year to have their products endorsed by alluring and well-admired women, since their beauty or personality is assumed to add dazzle to the products they promote (Langmeyer and Shank, 1994). Recommendations For media and advertising practitioners, it is important to apprise the audience who will be viewing the ads before putting sexual innuendos into the advertisement piece. Advertisers need to recognize the moral intricacy of sexual appeal in advertising and integrate that understanding in their strategic thought and when designing their commercial pieces. As what Henthorne and LaTour, (1994) stated, as the ethical considerations of society change over time, what is considered appropriate and acceptable in advertising must also change (p.88). Hence, it is imperative to incessantly reassess what society would consider suitable and consider the full level of consequences of their actions before considering for what they make out as ethically acceptable.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Money management Essay

Ever since trading began, money existed, thus, it can be said that money and trading co-exists. The earliest form of money is actually very different from what we are using nowadays in this modern world. The history of money begins around 2500 years ago. Money is any clearly identifiable object of value that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts within a market or which is legal tender within a country. Barter Barter is a system of exchange in which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods and services. No money is needed in barter system as it does not involve the process of buying and selling. Although there is no evidence pointing towards a society or economy relies solely on barter system, it is believed that barter basically dominated the pre-historical world and at that time, people would just exchange things according to necessity. Thus, barter system can be said to be a primitive form of money as it contributes towards the birth of money. There are several complications of barter system : Absence of common measure of value: In a monetary economy, money plays the role of a measure of value of all goods, so their values can be measured against each other; this role may be absent in a barter economy. Indivisibility of certain goods: If a person wants to buy a certain amount of another’s goods, but only has for payment one indivisible unit of another good which is worth more than what the person wants to obtain, a barter transaction cannot occur. Lack of standards for deferred payments: This is related to the absence of a common measure of value, although if the debt is denominated in units of the good that will eventually be used in payment, it is not a problem. Difficulty in storing wealth: If a society relies exclusively on perishable goods, storing wealth for the future may be impractical. However, some barter economies rely on durable goods like pigs or cattle for this purpose. Adapted from Wikipedia Statement of the problem It was discovered that only a small portion among university students actually know how to manage their money well. Most of university students are still struggling with basic money management. They do not have enough of a handle on their cash flow to spend less than they get from their loans. In other words, poor money management such as overspending is the main cause of this problem among the university students. Purpose The purposes of the study is to investigate money management of the students in UniSZA. Objectives 1) To investigate the way of the students in UniSZA spend their money 2) To determine the main cause of monetary problem for students in UniSZA. 3) To suggest the ways to solve monetary problems faced by students in UniSZA by providing them with the best money management plan. Research questions 1) How do the students in UniSZA spend their money? 2) What is the main cause of monetary problem for students in UniSZA 3) How can the problems faced by students in UniSZA be solved? Significance of the Study It is an undeniable fact that university life and normal daily life do have differences when it comes to money management. The author of the article wrote that university students should be taught the value of money as they will be earning their own very soon. This is true. University is a boundary that separates us from the real world, the working world. Without proper management of wealth, especially for students, it could spell disaster. Not only there would be butterflies flying out the purse and holes being burnt in the wallet, bank account could also stumble to single digit and finally naught. Things might get worst when they enter the society without knowing concerning money management and if this situation occurs, their bright future might be at stake and this could jeopardize their chances to succeed in life. Thus, financial management should start early, when there’s still money in the bank account for one to manage. For students in UniSZA like us, we might often be bothered by monetary problems. We don’t know where our money went to. Well, they do not just disappear into the thin air, nor would they escape from our wallet, thus, we must know where we spent our money on so that we can cut down on expenses and inculcate proper financial management. As university students, there’re a few money management skills that should be practiced and here are some explanations that may provide some insight or clues for one to properly manage his or her money so as to get the most out of one’s money. #1 Have a plan for it There’s a saying goes, those who fail to plan, plans to fail. Thus, proper money management starts with a plan for our money. For the study loan such as PTPTN, bursary or JPA scholarship received each semester, we should have a plan for it so that everything would go on smoothly. Knowing the debits and credits is equally important here and tracking our own expenses is surely a must as we can track all the unneeded stuff we bought by keeping the receipt of the things we’ve bought and later revise on our spending to cut down expenditure. Getting ourselves organized and preparing and jotter to jot down our expenditure is also a brilliant idea. #2 Understand our financial aid and financial status As university students, one of the best steps towards proper financial management may be to add up all our income and also the money we’ll need to fork out. Income includes the money allowance given by the governments, student loan, scholarships, bursaries etc. Bursaries, on the other hand offers RM 2550 for bursary recipients. Bursary is actually money given to students as a kind of financial aid. In this content, bursary is eligible for students who got 9A+ and above in their SPM. Besides, we can also look out for scholarships such as JPA. By being aware of our financial status, we can look into every nook and cranny of our daily life to save money. Take ATM machines for example, it may charge card holder of other banks some additional fee whenever transaction is made, thus, by being aware of this, we can take the measurements needed and save money. We should also be cautious towards burglary as that is the worst possible way for one to lose  money. #3 Use the available tools towards our benefit We should also use the benefits meant for students to our advantage. When buying books, going for a movie and buying food, for example, we can produce discount cards exclusive for students in order to enjoy discounts. Though it’s not a whole lot of money we’re saving, it could sum up to a considerable amount of money over time. For example, Kad siswa which was launched a few years ago provides card holders with a plethora of discounts in almost anything. Besides, 1 Malaysia book voucher is another tool available that would be of great help in our money management. Scope of Study The report will cover the methodology for money management of students in UniSZA. Survey and research will be done in order to get the results before discussion about the findings. The main points of the report will be summed up as the conclusion and some suggestions for solving monetary problems faced by students in UniSZA will be found.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Psychology Interview Essay

Does the interviewee remember information more accurately if he or she observes the behavior being performed or does he/she prefer to read how the behavior is performed?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The interviewee stated that he will be able to easily remember how a behavior is performed if he read about it; that’s why he prefers the second choice (Carducci, 2008). Also, he admitted that if any occurrence or behavior is to be observed only, he is more likely not to be able to recall it especially that he has a countless things on his mind and numerous things listed on his â€Å"to do list† (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Comparing him to myself though, I prefer the opposite. I have proven to myself countless of times that I remember more clearly those occurrences or behaviors if I see it being performed. I prefer to observe since I am the type who remembers anything that I have paid careful attention to. Does the interviewee prefers studying in a library, or at home where there are background noises and some distractions? My friend opts to stay in the house to study (Carducci, 2008). He says he cannot focus on his lessons without his personal computer and subwoofers switched on (Carducci, 2008). It is very important that something noisy is present while he studies because otherwise he might just doze off and not accomplish anything at the end of the day (Carducci, 2008). He also stated that he likes to walk around the living room or his own room while reading his lessons aloud (Carducci, 2008). This is another major reason why he does not want to study in the library; he says â€Å"I will only be asked to keep quiet and may even be requested to leave the premises if I study in that manner† (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I cannot do what he does though. I am the type who would be more efficient and effective in studying if I stay in a quiet place like the library. I prefer to stay there if my purpose is to grasp the readings and lessons that the exam will cover. In addition to that, the references that I need for further inquiry are found there and so I must stay in the library to study; computers are available as well in case I need online references. Reading/reviewing while listening to music or any kind of distraction involving sounds just does not go together for me. III. Had the person you are interviewing taken the Myers Briggs test? Report the results.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Yes, the interviewee already experienced taking the Myers Briggs test (Humanmetrics, 2007). The following feedback resulted from the â€Å"Carl Jung and Isabel Myers-Briggs typological approach to personality† (Humanmetrics, 2007). According to the aforementioned, the interviewee is â€Å"very expressed extravert; that he possesses slightly expressed sensing personality; that he has a moderately expressed thinking personality; as well as slightly expressed judging personality† (Humanmetrics, 2007). He is then excessively extroverted, slightly thinking, moderately sensing, and to some extend a perceiving individual (Humanmetrics, 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The results that I got after answering numerous questions are the following: â€Å"that I am distinctively expressed introvert; moderately expressed intuitive personality; moderately expressed feeling personality; and distinctively expressed judging personality† (Humanmetrics, 2007). It says that I am introverted and equally judging; as well as, intuitive and equally feeling (Humanmetrics, 2007). Which experiences does this person feel contributed most in the development of his/her personality?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The interviewee stated that there were countless experiences that he went through (Carducci, 2008). He believes that all these contributed largely in the development of his personality (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   First of all, he comes from an unprivileged family (Carducci, 2008).   During his elementary and high school days, he struggled too much as he cannot even go to school everyday because there was no money to be spent on food (Carducci, 2008).   He said it was too difficult to stay focused in the lessons or anything that’s going on in the classroom with an empty stomach for two or three days straight (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Second, his father usually does not have a job (Carducci, 2008). In cases where he finds one, the longest time that he is able to stay is only four weeks (Carducci, 2008).   This is because he is a drunkard and sometimes would go to work extremely drunk (Carducci, 2008).   Since such behavior poses great threat to other employees, eventually he is fired (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Third, his father comes home without money and would check on the fridge if there was food to eat (Carducci, 2008).   If he does not find anything, he would lash out at his mother and/or attack her (Carducci, 2008).   His mother would be whipped, slapped, punched, and even thrown (Carducci, 2008).   If he tries to protect his mother and fight his father off, then they would both get hurt at the end of the day (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fourth, his mother would release her anger on him and his brothers and sisters (Carducci, 2008). She would shout at them, threaten them that she is going to leave them behind because she could no longer take it (Carducci, 2008). She would state that her life would not be so excruciatingly difficult if she did not have a husband and children like them (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fifth, his little sister turned suicidal because of the family problems that they went through (Carducci, 2008).   He would feel hopeless and helpless because of his little sisters numerous attempts (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sixth, his father was sent to prison because of violence against women and children (Carducci, 2008).   He feels hurt but at the same time relieved that he no longer has to put up with him (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Seventh, before he can even recover from his â€Å"loss†, he feels he is going to lose another important loved one again as his mother remarries a younger man (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It turned out though that his stepfather is a nice, brilliant, open-minded man who cares deeply for his mother and for his brothers and sisters (Carducci, 2008).   In fact, he sent him to one of the best schools when he decided he wanted to attend college and finish a Baccalaureate course (Carducci, 2008).   He also sent his brothers and sisters to school (Carducci, 2008). In addition to that, he put up a small flower shop for his mother who finished BS Management in college; he said it is about time that his mother also attends to enriching her own career (Carducci, 2008). He also bought each and everyone their needs (and even some of their wants); in fact, he got a personal computer, his brothers received game boy, his sisters got branded dolls, etc (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   His stepfather also brought him to places that he has never been into including the following: â€Å"Transamerica Pyramid, Bank of America, Chinatown, Lombard Street, Haight-Ashbury, Coit Memorial Tower, Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California Academy of Sciences, Palace of Fine Arts, Presidio, Alcatraz, University of California, Berkeley† (Carducci, 2008). The trip gave him an opportunity to bond with someone who can be a father to him, who can guide him as he goes along, and who can protect him as he battles with life’s surprises and difficulties (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He learned to be strong as he went through poverty, abuse from his father, etc (Carducci, 2008). He became even stronger when his extra nice stepfather came along (Carducci, 2008). The training that he got from his stepfather and the good examples showed to him played a large role in the development of his personality (Carducci, 2008). I have my own experiences as well that helped in the development of my personality. First of all, I have a mother who is very supportive and proud of whatever I have accomplished. Second, I was brought up to be a nice individual, not hurting anyone, helping people in need, putting God at the center of life, etc. Such values were instilled in me because the people around me exhibited/portrayed great examples. Third, I experienced being sent to the best schools and so I have learned the proper ethics, training, and etiquette. Fourth, I have witnessed my mom’s battle with ovarian cancer. In spite of being given only a few months to live, she showed me how determined she was in fighting that illness. She showed me her strength, as well as, her faith. I grew to be almost like her, never losing hope and always believing in God. Last but not least, I am also surrounded with friends who are extremely serious and concerned with life. I only have a few friends, which probably explains, why I am introverted, but I am proud to say that they are all true friends. I have developed a positive personality partly because of them as well. Does this person feel that he/she is self-monitoring in regards to his/her attitudes? How or how not? The interviewee believes that he is not at all â€Å"self-monitoring† (Carducci, 2008). He admits he would probably be more scared if he would be one (Carducci, 2008). He also feels that he were like that, he would not know what to do since he will turn more conscious about the negative occurrences and may all the more exhibit the negative attitudes that he observed (Carducci, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, I am the â€Å"self-monitoring† type since I tend to reminisce about everything that happens to me. I think about it seriously and try to realize what needs to be learned from it and apply it in life. I make sure to try to instill another positive attitude or value to improve my personality. What does the interviewee feel was the strongest influence on his/her attitudes? His stepfather contributed largely to the interviewee’s attitudes as he is the one who showed and instilled good values on him (Carducci, 2008). Without him and his examples, his personality would not have been developed into a positive/good one (Carducci, 2008). He is also relieved that his stepfather had the strongest influence on his attitude instead of his real father who has never been a good example to him (Carducci, 2008). VII. What role does your interviewee feel a persons race, gender, or ethnicity play when forming that persons personality and attitudes?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ethnicity, gender, and race are three concepts that may be subjected to stereotyping and so an individuals’ personality/attitude may be greatly affected if these three factors come into play (Carson et. al., 1992).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I believe it can as well; but it only will if a person consents to it. See, stereotyping is subjective, and so if only people can be objective enough then ethnicity, gender, and race will not be able to play a role in the development of one’s personality, at least not in the negative manner. VIII. Does this person feel he/she is better at tasks when intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The interviewee is more comfortable with â€Å"extrinsic motivation† or when an incentive or reward is provided (Meyers, 2004).   Meanwhile, I am at ease with its opposite. References Carducci, I.C. (2008). Personal Interview. Carson, R.C. & Butcher, J.N. (1992). The World of Abnormal Psychology. New York: Harper Collins. Humanmetrics. (2007). Jung Typology Test. Retrieved January 24, 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚    Meyers, D. (2004). Psychology: Seventh Edition. New York: Worth Publishers.   

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Global logistics Free Essay Example, 3000 words

Intensive distribution involves selling through as many channels as possible and this type of distribution is typically used for items like soft drinks, cosmetics, cigarettes etc. Exclusive distribution involves a narrow channel system with very few numbers of intermediaries. Selective distribution incorporates some, but not all possible outlets. This is perhaps the most common method by which majority of consumer goods are transported. 2.1.3. Technology Technology plays extremely significant role in almost all business and other fields to drive or fuel changes. It is not only a driver of change, but a facilitator as well. In global logistics, the challenge related is to evaluate and effectively implement appropriate technology to make logistics operation easier and convenient (Coyle, et al, 2007). Global logistics will certainly face severe competition from other global logistics firms, and one major factor to their competitive advantage will be advanced technology. Technology offers new resources to the firms to help them achieve competitive edge. Changes in technology affect logistics in the form of manufacturing innovations allowing more efficient means of restructuring and redesigning the product and market mix elements (Dornier, Ernst and Fender, 1998). We will write a custom essay sample on Global logistics or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now 2.1.4. Regulatory Requirements Government regulations have significant impacts on logistics operations. For MEDMI, it is very important to evaluate the regulatory requirements for arranging transportation and other logistical operations from Bangalore and Sao Paulo to Jebel Ali. Due to government regulations in India and Brazil, MEDMI will have to undergo major paper works and complex formalities apart from common issues such as delays, errors, etc. When exporting, MEDMI must deal with numerous forms and documents in order to ensure that all pharmaceuticals meet laws and regulations established in Brazil and cosmetics meet laws and regulations established in India. Importer’s international trade accounts are subject to random clearance audits to evaluate whether proper customs duties were paid and to determine whether any concerned trade regulation has been breached (Sakchutchawan, Hong and Callaway, 2011). 2.2. Logistical Procedures to be Considered 2.2.1. Managing Information There are basically three key flows in logistics; material, resources and information. Out of these, information flow is more complex and multi-faceted, and therefore, managing information is critically important in logistics.